


Bangkok's is called by the thai people "Krung Theb", city of angels. Since 1782 Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. In Bangkok and the surrounding region live approximately 12 million inhabitants.

Bangkok is a city of extremes. Beautiful skyscrapers stand near old wooden houses. There are huge luxury shopping centers and lovely old markets. Delicious food is available all around in Bangkok in 5 star restraurants as well as on cookshops on the road.
With transports like, the sky train (BTS or Airport Link train), the subway (MRT), the Klong-boats or a tuk tuk you reach easyly all attractions of Bangkok. There is much to discover.

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Special transports in Bangkok
Airport Link Train
BTS (Skytrain)
MRT (subway)
busses for sightseeing
Chao Praya express boat
• boats on the klongs
• Tuk tuk

The Sky Train (BTS, Bangkok Transit System, rot fai fa) is since 1999 in operation. He has changed Bangkok. It's fast, cool and independend from traffic jam. He goes on stilts over the streets of Bangkok. There are 2 lines:
  • the Sukhumvit line to the North: Mo Chit terminus, to the east: Final Bearings
  • the Silom line: from the National Stadium to Wongwian Yai

Central Station is Siam. An interchanges to the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit system, subway) are available at the station: Asok. The MRT runs from the railway station Hua Lamphong to the railway station Bang Sue in the north.
The Airport Link train connects the Sky Train station Phaya Thai to the Suvarnabhumi Airport. The trip duration is 30 minutes. An Express connection to the station Makasan, near Sukhumvit Road, takes only 15 minutes.
The boats on the klong are amazingly fast and not stuck in traffic. Well-dressed Büroangesellte use them just like school children. Encounter a boat, the lateral plane is pulled by the passengers, so you will not get wet from the stinking water. Tuk Tuks have 3 wheels and provide a seat for maximal 3 persons. For a fixed price the tuk tuk are interested to deliver you quick at your target. They wait only in the traffic jam if you have agreed for a time payment, for example 1 hour 100 baht. For short distances tuk tuks are good, for longer trips they are uncomfortable.
   District   Bangkok Zentrum, Siam Station
Die Skytrain Haltestelle Siam, den Umsteigepunkt zwischen den beiden Skytrain-Linien markiert das Zentrum von Bangkok. Hier gibt es die meisten Einkaufszentren, die Luxuriösten und die Schönsten, dazu gehören Siam Center, SiamParagon, Central World, Mahboonkrong Center, ... more
   District   Khao San Road
Gen Abend schlendern immer mehr Menschen durch die Straßen. Die Stimmung ist fröhlich und voller Neugier. In den Geschäften und Straßenständen wird das verkauft, was bei den Touristen gut ankommt. more
Die Sukhumvit Road (ถนน สุขุมวิท) bildet ein Stadtteil für Geschäftsleute und Touristen. Es ist eine sehr lange Straße, von Soi 1 bis Soi 100 und noch ein bisschen länger, die möchte keiner zu Fuß ablaufen. Der interessante Teil mit Banken, Einkaufszentren, Residenzen, Hotels und Vergnügungsviertelen liegt im ersten Drittel. more
   Transport   Flughafen Suvarnabhumi
Der Flughafen Bangkok (Abkürzung Bkk), Suvarnabhumi, wurde 2006 eröffnet. Er liegt 30 km östlich von Bangkok. Er hatte in 2013 50 Millionen Passagiere und 1,2 Millionen Tonnen Fracht. Damit gehört er zu den größten Flughäfen in Asien. more

Approachability from Bangkok airport:
• Airport Link Train Makasan: 15 min
• Airport Link Train Phaya Thai: 30 min
• Airort bus (stations in the ground floor at the right side from outside): about 45 min
• Taxi oder Limousine: 30 min


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Shopping mall Bangkok
989 Rama 1
10:00 - 22:00
BTS: Siam Station
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